April 2, 2020



At Eastside Friends of Seniors, the health and safety of our clients and community is our #1 priority.

Our beloved Seniors are the most vulnerable population in this pandemic, and we are doing everything we can to help them remain healthy and self-sufficient. While we are following the Governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” guidelines we want you to know:

  • We are still open for business, serving seniors in Issaquah and Sammamish.
  • For the safety of everyone involved, we are limiting face-to-face interactions.
  • We are providing volunteer transportation only to critical medical appointments and assistance accessing food and supplies during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Our volunteers and staff are routinely checking in on our clients so we can be sure to meet their needs during this challenging time.

Looking to volunteer or need resources?

Please call or email us for assistance.

425-369-9120 or  info@eastsidedev.hosting.seattlegivecamp.org