Email your friends and family with your personal story of why you support EFS and how.
- Add in a link (near the top of the email) [] with a specific ask to Donate Now to Help Keep Our Seniors Safe. Adding a photo of you/ your family or one you may have associated with EFS ALWAYS increases engagement. Or download an image from one of our other media fundraising pages.
Starter Text to use or not as you see fit:
Dear Friends:
I am reaching out today to ask you to please join me in honoring your Mom and mine by helping keep our Seniors Safe during this pandemic.
Donate today:
[Insert 1-2 sentences about why YOU support EFS and photo of you if possible]
Eastside Friends of Seniors is an organization I trust and have been supporting myself. Their primary services for Seniors right now: access to food (shopping and drop-off) and critical medical transportation.
EFS needs our support to keep providing essential services for Seniors during COVID-19.
Thank you for giving what you can!
[Insert salutation and name]
Find directions for other ways to fund raise by clicking on your preferred media platform below.